Wednesday, May 04, 2005

What makes a good blogger?

"Generalizations of a group such as bloggers are tricky. The ground covered by blog writers is so vast, any broad strokes are gonna leave out a fair majority. Still, i think it can be said that there are some similarities among many of those who make up the core of the blogging community. Here's the profile i've compiled:
Prolific writer. Loves attention. Works well with others. Opinionated. Energetic. Trendy.
The first is a given. If you're the sort of person who can just about crank out a short essay every month or so, no-one is gonna bother using your RSS feed to check for new stuff twice a day. You need to post often enough to keep readers coming back at regular intervals.
And you need those readers coming back, because otherwise what would be the point? Keeping your Aunt Millie up to date on family doings isn't gonna cut it - you need to feel that scores of people the world over are holding their breath, waiting for you to grace them with your words.
That's where other bloggers come in - you scratch their backs, they scratch yours, with frequent links, a choice spot on their blogroll, and trackbacks. Work together, and everybody wins.
Once you've got the traffic, you just need a hook, something to bring them back. A strong opinion, especially on a sensitive topic, can work wonders here. Agree/disagree, as long as they come looking for more.
Of course, you must have a great deal of energy to keep all this in motion... it's not your day job, at least yet. And trendy? Well, this *is* a Blog, not collection of pen-pals after all. "
Shog's comments on Longhorn -